List of Favorite Things

*try it yourself!

Updated after every single year! This version is after my freshman year at college.

1. Favorite pet I ever had?

The squishiest baby ever, a miniature Australian Shepherd named Aiko.

2. Favorite car I’ve owned?

3. Favorite meal out, ever?

4. Favorite food I’ve cooked?

5. Favorite food from childhood?

Beef noodle soup straight from the streets of Taiwan (and also stinky tofu!)

6. Favorite drink on a hot summer day (include event)?

Going shopping in the city or spending time with friends and family drinking milk tea

7. Favorite drink on a cold winter night (include event)?

hot chocolate after rolling around in the snow (spiked?)

8. Favorite conversation I’ve ever had with a person?

9. Favorite total meal that I cook (list all items)?

10. Favorite movie of all time?

You Are the Apple of My Eye

11. Favorite book of all time?

No Matter the Wreckage; Pride and Prejudice; to Room Nineteen; the Righteous Mind

12. Teacher who changed my life, and why?

my mother, homeschooling extraordinaire

13. Professional mentor who changed my life, and why?

14. Favorite item to go shopping for with a girlfriend?

15. Perfect day out: what, where, with whom?

16. Favorite color? 


17. Favorite artist?

18. Favorite song?

19. The best paid entertainment I’ve ever seen?

Aladdin in Chicago, my very first musical

20. Favorite hobby activity that makes me get lost for hours?

21. Most rewarding time I’ve ever spent volunteering?

22. The most exciting secret I’ve ever been told?

23. My greatest skill (past or current)?

24. The best advice I’ve ever been given?

25. The best advice I’ve ever given?

26. The best birthday I ever had and why?

27. The coolest natural wonder I’ve ever seen?

28. The most fun road trip I’ve ever taken, where and with whom?

29. The closest call I’ve ever had?

30. My favorite flower, purchased?

31. My favorite flower or plant, personally grown?

32. My best hair day ever?

After a long day at dance, when I take out my hair from its bun and it’s curled

33. The best gift I’ve ever gotten: what and from whom?

34. My most suspenseful moment?

35. My most unexpected achievement?

36. The most rewarding volunteer experience I’ve ever had?

37. My favorite paid employment, ever?

38. The best dessert I’ve ever eaten?

39. The prettiest natural landscape I’ve ever seen?

Hiking a difficult trail and seeing the mountains after an hour of hard work!

40. The most scared I’ve been by a bug or critter?

41. My favorite household chore?

Cleaning and organizing

42. My favorite piece of jewelry I’ve ever bought for myself?

“a really nice pair of earrings”

43. The best cup of coffee I’ve ever had?

one that was 3/4 sugar and cream

44. The hardest question a child has ever asked me?

45. The most important time I’ve had to “be there” for a friend?

46. The most unusual pet I’ve ever had?

47. The prettiest shiny object I’ve ever owned?

48. The most treasured book in my library?

49. The most important tool in my craft or hobby kit?

50. The coolest handmade gift I ever gave anyone?

51. The best anonymous thing I have ever done or given?

52. The most healthy and vital time in my life?

53. The worst thing I ever got away with?

54. The kindest thing a stranger ever did for me?

55. The kindest thing I ever did for a stranger?

56. Favorite perfume?

57. Favorite household cleaner smell?

58. Favorite outdoor smell?

59. Most fun I ever had on a Saturday night?

60. Favorite song I ever danced to; with whom?

61. Favorite dinner my mom made?

62. The happiest moment I can remember?

63. Song that makes me move no matter how bad I feel?

64. My favorite patriotic experience?

65. My biggest moment of celebrity?

66. My one favorite item of clothing?

67. The one item I would take to the desert island?

68. The one person I loved who never knew?

69. The most fun sporting event I ever attended?

70. The best place I have ever traveled; where I’d spend my whole life if I could?

71. My favorite moment as a parent?

72. My favorite moment as a sister or brother?

73. My favorite moment as a spouse or significant other?

74. My favorite moment as a daughter or son?

75. My favorite flowers to receive in a delivery?

76. My favorite cooking or kitchen smell?

77. The most significant change I’ve had to go through and how it made me better?

78. My “biggest deal” memory of childhood?

79. My favorite non-relative adult growing up?

80. My favorite aunt or uncle?

81. Best Sunday afternoon I ever had?

82. Favorite ice cream ever, and from where?

83. Favorite musician?

84. Famous person I’ve admired, living or dead, whom I’d most like to meet?

85. Favorite environmental sound (rain, thunder, etc.)?

86. Favorite person to take a walk on a beach or in the woods with?

87. Best time I’ve had playing with a pet?

88. Nicest thing I’ve ever done for a little kid?

89. Favorite TV rerun I could watch 50 times?

90. Favorite item no one knows I own?

91. My favorite story or experience with the paranormal?

92. The one “splurge” grocery item I have never yet splurged on?

93. The most competent activity I do?

94. The one food item I can never run out of?

95. The favorite picture I’ve ever taken?

96. The most fun game I’ve ever played?

97. The biggest secret I still safeguard? (Don’t reveal it!)

98. The hardest I ever laughed in my life was…?

99. My favorite fabric to pet is?

100. If I could go anywhere, be with anyone, be doing anything, right now: Where? Who? What?

101. If I had one hour to live, what would I spend it doing?